The Objectives of Sharīʿah in Nomination for the Payment of Family Takaful Benefits
DOI | |
Pages | 33-51 |
Published date | 26 August 2019 |
Date | 26 August 2019 |
Author | Safinar Salleh,Akmal Hidayah Halim,Uzaimah Ibrahim,Mohamad Asmadi Abdullah |
Chapter 3
The Objectives of Sharīʿah in Nomination
for the Payment of Family Takaful Benets
Sanar Salleh, Akmal Hidayah Halim, Uzaimah Ibrahim and
Mohamad Asmadi Abdullah
A family takaful certicate is subscribed by a takaful participant for the
purpose of preparing nancial support for his dependants after his death.
The takaful benets could then be made payable to a nominee named as
the beneciary under conditional hibah (gift). In this respect, the partici-
pant is free to decide to whom the benets are to be given since the law is
silent as to the criteria of the beneciary. This situation gives rise to the is-
sue on whether such a practice fulls the objectives of Sharīʿah, especially
when the nominated beneciary is not the sole dependant of the deceased
participant. Therefore, this research aims to evaluate the status of family
takaful benets, analyse the rules of conditional hibah from the Sharīʿah
perspective and propose solutions whenever necessary. The research adopts
doctrinal analysis by examining existing primary and secondary materials
including statutory provisions and other legal and non-legal literatures.
The study predicates that the application of conditional hibah to the whole
benets does not reect the objectives of Sharīʿah if determination on the
status of the benets is solely based on the nomination made by the par-
ticipant. It is observed that takaful benets payable from the Participant’s
Account should be considered as the deceased’s estate and must be dis-
tributed according to fara’id or Islamic law of inheritance. Conversely, the
sum covered payable from the Participant’s Special Account may be paid
to the deceased’s dependants whose criteria are determined by the Sharīʿah
Advisory Council as the highest authority in Islamic nancial matters.
Keywords: Family takaful benets; conditional hibah; nomination; fara’id;
dependants; objectives of Sharīʿah
Emerging Issues in Islamic Finance Law and Practice in Malaysia, 33–51
Copyright © 2019 by Emerald Publishing Limited
All rights of reproduction in any form reserved
34 Sanar Salleh et al.
Family takaful is one of the Islamic nancial instruments that could full the
maqasid al-Sharīʿah (objectives of Sharīʿah). A family takaful certicate sub-
scribed by a takaful participant will provide takaful benets that could serve as
the means of maintenance of his dependants after his death, especially if he is
the breadwinner of the family. In 2003, the Sharīʿah Advisory Council (SAC) of
the Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) resolved that the benets could be made as
a conditional hibah (gift) to a nominee named as the beneciary in the takaful
certicate (Sharīʿah Advisory Council of Bank Negara Malaysia, 2010). This
resolution was later codied in the Islamic Financial Services Act (IFSA) 2013.
The Act does not specify the individual to be nominated as the beneciary, thus
the participant has full liberty to decide to whom the benets are to be given. In
spite of the approval by the SAC, the position of such nomination has stirred
debates since the position of the benets is merely based on the nomination made
by the participant. Paragraph 6(2) of Schedule 10 of the Act stipulates that if
the nominee is named as an executor, the benet would be part of the estate of
the deceased participant to be distributed in accordance with his will or the law
applicable to the administration, distribution and disposition of his estate upon
his intestacy. However, if the participant opted to name the nominee as a ben-
eciary under conditional hibah, the benet would not then be considered as his
estate but would absolutely belong to the nominee despite the existence of other
dependants who might also be in need of the money.
The application of conditional hibah to the rule of nomination for the pay-
ment of takaful benets draws certain legal issues that are still debatable from the
Sharīʿah point of view. Among the issues that have been discussed in the exist-
ing literature (Abdullah & Abdul Aziz, 2010; Ahmad & Borhan, 2017; Bakar,
Zahid, & Markom, 2014; Ismail, 2009; Mohd Noor & Abdullah, 2009; Salman,
2014) are (1) the status of nomination under conditional hibah, (2) the status of
hibah which is conditional upon death whether it is to be construed as a hibah or
wasiyyah (bequest) and its legal effect, (3) the status of takaful benets whether
they are part of the estate of the deceased participant which should be distrib-
uted according to fara’id (the law of inheritance) and (4) the parties that are
entitled to receive the takaful benets as the beneciary. Nevertheless, no study
has discussed the application of conditional hibah to the rules of nomination
from the perspective of maqasid al-sharīʿah. Therefore, this study aims to analyse
the achievement of the objectives of Sharīʿah through the application of condi-
tional hibah in nomination for the payment of takaful benets under IFSA 2013.
This analysis is important to ensure that the application of conditional hibah in
nomination of beneciary under a family takaful certicate does not merely full
the legal requirements in a mechanical and procedural sense, but its application
should also achieve the objectives of Sharīʿah.
This chapter is divided into six sections. The introduction is followed by a
discussion on the objectives of Sharīʿah in family takaful. The next section out-
lines the rules of nomination provided under IFSA 2013. The status of takaful
benets in Islamic law is discussed in section four followed by an analysis of the
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