Madhuvita Janjara Augustin (suing through next friend Margaret Louisa Tan) v Augustin a/l Lourdsamy & 2 Ors
Jurisdiction | Malaysia |
Judgment Date | 2017 |
Date | 2017 |
Year | 2017 |
Court | Court of Appeal (Malaysia) |
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14 cases
- Cho Chiang Huat and Another (memohon untuk pihak mereka sendiri dan sebagai wakil litigasi bagi Cho Yee Meng, seorang kanak-kanak) v Pendaftar Besar Kelahiran dan Kematian, Malaysia
- VAX (menuntut melalui bapa kandungnya, UNG) v Pendaftar Besar Kelahiran dan Kematian & 3 Ors
- CTEB and Another v Ketua Pengarah Pendaftaran Negara, Malaysia and Others
- The Speaker of Dewan Undangan Negeri of Sarawak "Datuk Amar Mohamad Asfia Awang Nassar" v Ting Tiong Choon & 3 Ors (and 2 Other Appeals)
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1 firm's commentaries
Citizenship For Adopted And Legitimised Children: To The Federal Court And Back Again [2020] 2 MLJ vi
...its Grounds of Judgment vide Madhuvita Janjara Augustin (suing through next friend Margaret Louisa Tan) v Augustin a/l Lourdsamy & Ors [2018] 1 MLJ 307 held, among others, as "(3) The undisputed fact is that the appellant was born within the Federation. To the extent of jus soli, she fulfil......