Guindarajoo a/l Vegadason v Satgunasingam a/l Balasingam
Jurisdiction | Malaysia |
Year | 2010 |
Court | High Court (Malaysia) |
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13 cases
- Barisan Tenaga Perancang (M) Sdn Bhd v Dr Mansur Hussain and Others
Ong Soo Kan v. Ong Soo Kwee
...court to do so. ‘Sufficient cause’ in this context, is an objective one (see Guindarajoo a/l Vegadason v Satgunasingam a/l Balasingam [2010] 4 MLJ 842). [34] The burden of proof in determining whether there is a ‘sufficient cause’ lies on the applicant i.e., in this case, the Plaintiffs. In......
- Cheong Sok Chin (P) v Tee Kim Tiam (L) and Another
- Chua Chin Sing v Jaya JB Tan
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