Choong Gim Guan v Choong Gim Seong; Re Estate of Choong Lye Hin, deceased
Jurisdiction | Malaysia |
Year | 1977 |
Date | 1977 |
Court | Federal Court (Malaysia) |
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4 cases
- Mariam bte Shaik Mohd Omar v Ong Chin Poh
Perkara: Zuraidah Binti Abdullah v. Ex-Parte: Majlis Amanah Rakyat
...Gant v. Hobbs[1912] 1 Ch 717 at 728, CA (Eng): Re Estate of Choong Lye Hin, decd; Choong Gim Guan v. Choong Gim Seong [1976] 1 LNS 130; [1977] 1 MLJ 96;..." 36. Maka, berdasarkan alasan-alasan ini, Mahkamah berpendapat bahawa Mahkamah ini bukannya forum untuk menyemak dan menyoal keesahan p......
- Chung Kok Chiang @ Chong Kok Kiong and Another; Pawa Ak Ajah
Fernrite Sdn Bhd v Perbadanan Nasional Berhad, 30-03-2011
...concept of unjust enrichment received judicial illumination in Re Estate of Choong Lye Hin, Decd.; Choong Gim Guan v Choong Gim Seong [1977] 1 MLJ 96 The appellant there claimed (a) the balance of his share in the estate of his deceased father; and (b) the balance of the sum kept in a trust......
1 books & journal articles
...for the defendant to plead limitation without specific reference to the statute concerned. Also see Re Estate of Choong Lye Hin[1977] 1 MLJ 96, at 105 which was cited in support of this approach. Such a view runs contrary to the express terms of Order 18, rule 8(1), which specifically refer......